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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Whats in your cart?

Wow. What a difference it can make to have the "right" foods on hand. I'll be honest, these last 2 weeks have been tough. A cheat here, a cheat there. Its like I didn't have all the right foods and then found myself eating completely off my plan! Nuggets and fries, mac and cheese, stuff that I don't really care about but just were easy to make. When I take the time to budget and plan for the right groceries, I eat so much better. But thats just it....budget and plan. Grocery shopping is where success starts. If I have cheetos...I eat them. I went to the store today, but I really want to go to Sprouts tommorrow for the double ad day. So I got a few things to help with my success for the day and after tommorrow I will be ready to tackle the next 14 days. My goal is to be 150 by August 1st (yes I have modified this a bit). I hit the gym today and ran 2 miles on the treadmill and did my upper body weights. So here is to getting back on track and acknowledging how easy it is to get off...even with the best intentions!

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